Fs 20 car mods | fs20 mods

This is full off road fs 20 car mods tihs mods work in 2gb ram with 100% prove.

if you know how to install this fs20 car mods to follow these steps to lern how to install this fs20 mods in your game.

This fs20 car mods is very power full car mods this car mods like a monster car. this is a very high power car moods for fs20 .

fs20 car Mods picture

How to install this fs 20 car mods

1) step
First you open your APK editor
and then click on select Apk from…


2) step 

In next step you find your fs20 game and click on fs20

3) step

When you click on fs20 now you have 5,4 options you click on first option ( full edit ) now you come to next step





in four step you have tow option  you click on first option

5) step

in five step you click on file option

6) step
in six step you click on assest option and follow next step
7) step
in seven opyion you have many option you click on data option to replace your car mods
8) step
in this step you finde vehicle option and click on vehicle
9) step 
When you click vehicle you find styre and click styre you see a folder (profCVT) you replace this folder from my mod and build your fs 20 and install your game.


10) step
in last step you have one option you tick the arrow and replace you car mods in your fs20

after complete all these steps you build you fs20 and install and  enjoy the new car mods.

click on download button and donload this fs20 car mods without any problem
Mods link
Download mod

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